European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training


The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training - EQAVET is an instrument adopted by the Member States of the European Union that allows them to document, develop, monitor, evaluate and improve the efficiency of Vocational Education and Training (VET) provision and the quality of management practices.

In this sense:

- It involves regular monitoring processes, involving internal and external evaluation mechanisms and progress reports;

- It establishes quality criteria and indicative descriptors that support monitoring and reporting by VET systems and operators.

- It highlights the importance of quality indicators that support the evaluation, monitoring and quality assurance of VET systems and operators.

Action Plan

Timetable for activities, those responsible for implementing and monitoring the Quality Assurance System, resources required and expected results.


Educational Project and Internal Regulations

Colégio Rainha Dona Leonor's Educational Project reflects and develops the school's long-standing commitment to providing quality education.


Base Document

Definition of the mission, vision and values of Colégio Rainha Dona Leonor, as well as the objectives, strategies and targets to be achieved within the scope of implementing the Quality Assurance System. It also focuses on identifying the stakeholders and the responsibilities assigned within the scope of this system, as well as defining the indicators in use, the monitoring strategy and the integrated analysis of results.

Operator Report

Presentation of the results of the EQAVET indicators and the application of the Quality Cycle, defining areas for improvement, with objectives and targets to be achieved (with the respective timetable for actions and tasks to be carried out), together with the planned forms for evaluating and publicising the results, as well as the Improvement Plan.