CRDL's participation in the Eco-Schools Program with the attribution of the Green Flag

College Rainha D. Leonor integrates the program Eco-Schools.
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CRDL's participation in the Eco-Schools Program with the attribution of the Green Flag

Colégio Rainha D. Leonor integrates the Eco-Schools program with the development of several actions and projects of significant and consequential environmental education, promoting the growing positive evolution in the civic and environmental awareness of the educational community and the effective development of responsible behaviors and attitudes and from a perspective of education for sustainable development in the school community, in partnerships with various external entities.

Among the areas of intervention worked on, there are themes such as Waste, Water, Energy, Outdoor Spaces, Biodiversity, Geodiversity, Organic Agriculture, Forest, Sea, Mobility, Noise, Healthy and Sustainable Food, Climate Change and Environmental Management of the College, which have been developed in close collaboration and involvement with the community, seeking to encourage increasingly ecological practices and reinforcing environmental education through the union created between all elements of the school community, as well as the feeling of belonging to an international program guided by values global environmental issues.

Also noteworthy is the important networking and thus the exchange of experiences between teachers and students from across the country and Europe; the promotion of interdisciplinarity; the opportunity for international dissemination of the work developed by our students; and above all, the promotion of their effective comprehensive training, with the development of social, civic and scientific skills, as well as the promotion of intervention actions in the educational community and the reinforcement of the individual and collective contribution to environmental sustainability.