We train capable, critical, fulfilled, enterprising, resilient and creative citizens



OErasmus+ is the European programme that supports education, training, youth and sport. This programme gives more than four million Europeans the opportunity to study, train and gain experience abroad.

The Erasmus programme was created in 1987 as an exchange programme for higher education students. Today, the Erasmus+ programme offers a wide range of opportunities for higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, youth and sport.

These opportunities are open to students, teachers and youth workers. The Erasmus+ programme has stronger links with the labour market than the programmes that preceded it, allowing students to do internship periods in companies or organisations abroad and, through non-formal learning experiences, prepare young people for the labour market and participation in civic life.

As an innovative, forward-looking and European training organisation, the school has been taking part in various Erasmus+ projects for several years, providing its students, teachers and staff with an international experience.

Erasmus+ is an open programme that allows all citizens to participate.

Erasmus + | CRDL 

The ERASMUS+ Programme is the European Union's programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the 2014-2020 period, promoting, among other actions, the opportunity for students, teachers, trainers and staff from educational institutions to take part in a learning and/or professional experience in another country.

KA1 - Individual Mobility

Individual mobility for learning purposes provides opportunities for individuals to improve their skills, increase their employability and gain cultural awareness.

Objectives of the Erasmus+ Education and Training Programme for Vocational Education and Training

Facilitate personal development, employability and the development and transfer of innovation.
Supporting those involved in vocational education and learning, in training and/or further training in the acquisition and use of knowledge, competences and qualifications in a work context.
Strengthen the attractiveness of vocational education and training in terms of the mobility of trainees and workers.
Increasing the adequacy of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to the labour market.
Increase skills matching and reduce labour shortages in economic sectors through timely adaptation of curricula and profiles of acquired qualifications and the establishment of stable partnerships between VET providers and economic actors, including social partners, development agencies, innovation system bodies and chambers of commerce.
Learning and development: a path to success in the labour market.

Projeto KA1- 2019 - RegulationsProjeto KA1- 2020 - Regulations

Projeto KA1- 2022 - Regulations

Final Report Analysis Project KA1

KA2 - Co-operation for Innovation and Good Practices

The Cooperation for Innovation and Good Practices aims to enable organisations to work together to improve their offer to learners and share innovative practices.

Objectives of the Erasmus+ Education and Training Programme for Vocational Education and Training

To promote the acquisition of basic skills and competences in students, contributing to their personal and professional development, as well as to active European citizenship.
Combating failure and early school leaving by supporting teachers and institutions in developing and implementing effective strategies.
Sensitise students and staff to the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity.
Supporting teachers, future teachers and school leaders to promote high quality teaching and deal with complex realities in the classroom by adopting innovative practices and tools.
Strengthening the profile of school teaching careers.
Exploring Cultural Heritage for Entrepreneurial Development

Projeto KA2 - 2018 - REGULATIONS

Project Erasmus KA2

Fostering students motivation through collaborative digital frameworks.

The project is promoted by the Spanish National Agency (SEPIE) through the coordination of CIPFP La Costera:
The objectives of the project to be developed on the Erasmobility platform are:
1. Increase the number of participating centres across Europe.
2. Improve the quality of the platform and increase the knowledge base within each centre for better guidance of students.
3. To analyse the possibility of offering real linguistic and cultural integration to the students taking part in the programme, through contact with a host family.
Digital Frameworks

Projeto KA2- 2019 - REGULATIONS